Human Rights And Peace Center

Human Rights And Peace Center

Human Rights And Peace Center 2560 1702 Interface Uganda
Public Dialogue

On the 26th of September 2016, Interface Uganda in collaboration with the Human Rights and Peace Center Makerere (HURIPEC) organised and held a public dialogue that was hosted at the School of Law Makerere. The theme for discussion was, The responsibility of Faith Leaders for Peaceful Political Transition in Uganda, Post-Age Limit Ruling

The dialogue brought together a plethora of people including over 100 students, political leaders, social change activists and members of the press. The dialogue opened with different perspectives shared by a group of panelists. These perspectives were then thoroughly interrogated by those in attendance as the floor was opened up to dialogue.

The objectives of this dialogue were to;

  1. Provide a platform to review faith leader’s engagement in removal of the age limit from the Constitution.
  2. Exchange of ideas on a comprehensive plan of constructive engagement by faith leaders and key stake holders in the country for a peaceful political transition, considering the history of Uganda’s violent political transitions.

Some of the key points presented were;

  • Firstly, it is the duty of religious leaders to advance and promote equality in the nation.
  • Secondly, that religious leaders play a vital role in returning sanity to the population, as they are in constant contact with the population.
  • Thirdly, leadership is a dangerous and sacrificial enterprise. Government should therefore be held in positive and steady hands as a force for good as it plays an immense role in changing people’s lives.

The dialogue thus provided much needed space for conversation on interplay between religion and politics, and how the former ought to positively impact the latter for nation building and cohesion amongst the citizenry.